into the 3D morphology of congenital univentricular heart disease from prenatal development to long-term follow-up
of different aspects of congenital heart disease by a panel of fetal, pediatric and adult congenital
cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, interventionalists, morphologists, embryologists and geneticists
sessions with post-mortem-specimens
This two-day course will offer attendees dedicated teaching with hands-on modules from the basics of cardiac morphology to complex congenital heart disease, with special emphasis on univentricular heart disease. The specimens displayed and handled during the course are part of the unique Leiden Collection of Malformed Hearts.
We recommend the course for all professionals in the field who strive to benefit from a better insight into the three-dimensional arrangement of the cardiac structures in normal and abnormal hearts.
Lectures and hands-on sessions will be held by experienced European professionals with various backgrounds: anatomists, pathologists, geneticists, (ACHD) cardiologists, pediatric cardiologists, congenital cardiac surgeons and fetal surgeons.
In order to guarantee an optimal attendee –to-tutor ratio the number of participants will be limited to 60.
For fellows the course fee will be reduced.
We look forward to your attendance!

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Should you wish to contact the organizers of this event please send an email to info@meeting-pulse.com